Pilot Travel Center 1132
Credit: Pilot Travel Center 1132
Street Address:1850 Main Street
Brawley, CA - 92227
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Phone: (760) 344-3695
Opening Hours
Pilot Travel Center 1132' hours of operationDescription
Please visit Pilot Travel Center 1132's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
Cost to shower is currently $12 (as of 2021)
Large towels are provided.
Showers are clean and lined with nice large tiles, not plastic.
- Counties served: Imperial
- No. of showers: 2
Questions & Answers
Help others like you find out more about Pilot Travel Center 1132. Do you know the answers to any of these questions? Contribute now and help others like you.
- How many showers are there at this location? (1 Response)
- Is there a fee to use the showers? (1 Response)
- Are the facilities safe and clean? (2 Responses)
Q. How many showers are there at this location?
Two, I believeDec 4, 2022
Q. Is there a fee to use the showers?
As of August 2022 it was $18Dec 4, 2022
Q. Are the facilities safe and clean?
YesDec 4, 2022
YesDec 4, 2022
I was staying between slab city and brawley since December 2021 there is not a lot of resources for woman in imperial county that's where brawley is located. I would spend a couple of nights a week in the back lot, you can get WiFi, and no one bothers you really, there showers are a bit expensive.. maybe they give better deals to people they think are more agreeable, like the drivers or something, anyway the showers are clean, and they have laundry facilities that are open 24/7.