Pilot Travel Center
Credit: Pilot Travel Center
Street Address:901 Bankhead Highway West
Birmingham, AL - 35204
Open Google Maps
Phone: (205) 324-4532
Fax: (205) 324-5897
Please visit Pilot Travel Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
- No. of showers: 7
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Questions & Answers
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- How many showers are there at this location? (0 Responses)
- Is there a fee to use the showers? (1 Response)
- Are the facilities safe and clean? (1 Response)
Q. How many showers are there at this location?
Q. Is there a fee to use the showers?
8 dollarsOct 9, 2021
Q. Are the facilities safe and clean?
YesOct 9, 2021
I'm currently living in my car and working and trying to find places to shower every now and then I have no money to pay any way you can help