List which ones are free&which are fee!!! Homeless people are broke ya dimbulbs!

List which ones are free&which are fee!!! Homeless people are broke ya dimbulbs!


Street Address:
123 ABC street
Waterloo, NY - 06072
Open Google Maps
Phone: 860-741-3374


Please visit List which ones are free&which are fee!!! Homeless people are broke ya dimbulbs!'s website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.

Came to Petro Waterloo as a homeless man in need of a shower.....15 f*ckin dollars! After I found it by searching FREE PUBLIC SHOWER...Go ahead punch it in...see if I'm lying?! Have a heart and disclose these things so no one else gets mislead. Super pissed!

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Questions & Answers

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Q. How many showers are there at this location?

Q. Is there a fee to use the showers?

Q. Are the facilities safe and clean?

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