Ritter Center
Credit: Ritter Center
Street Address:16 Ritter St
San Rafael, CA - 94901
Open Google Maps
Phone: (415) 457-8182
Opening Hours
Ritter Center' hours of operationMonday
8 am - 2 pmTuesday
8 am - 2 pmWednesday
8 am - 2 pmThursday
8 am - 2 pmFriday
8 am - 2 pmDescription
Please visit Ritter Center's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available.
The mission of Ritter Center is to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families who are homeless or low-income by providing a range of culturally sensitive, easily accessible, and high quality medical and social services.
- Counties served: Marin
Questions & Answers
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- How many showers are there at this location? (0 Responses)
- Is there a fee to use the showers? (0 Responses)
- Are the facilities safe and clean? (0 Responses)
Ritter Center has a head nurse who lies about ordinary people by saying they have mental issues. Sadly because she runs the clinic, she can abuse her power. But that is seriously bad karma. Where are your shower facilities guys? You take public tax dollars but do not provide the homeless community with those things you lied to government to get the funds for.